Domestic Violence...Getting out is a matter of life and death.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you are not alone. There are people and organizations that are here to help you on your journey to be free.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: 1-800-799-7233
TTY: 1-800-787-3224
Website: http://www.thehotline.org/
State Coalitions
Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence
1420 I-85 Parkway
Montgomery, AL 36101
(334) 832-4842 Fax: (334) 832-4803
(800) 650-6522 Hotline
Website: www.acadv.org
Email: info@acadv.org
Alaska Network on Domestic and Sexual Violence
130 Seward Street, Suite 214
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 586-3650 Fax: (907) 463-4493
Website: www.andvsa.org
Email: andvsa@andvsa.org
Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence
2800 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1570
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 279-2900 Fax: (844) 252-3094
(800) 782-6400 Nationwide
Website: www.acesdv.org
Email: info@acesdv.org
Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence
700 S. Rock Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
(501) 907-5612 Fax: (501) 907-5618
(800) 269-4668 Nationwide
Website: www.domesticpeace.com
Email: acadv@domesticpeace.com
California Partnership to End Domestic Violence
1107 9th Street, #910
Sacramento, CA 95812
(916) 444-7163 Fax: (916) 444-7165
(800) 524-4765 Nationwide
Website: www.cpedv.org
Email: info@cpedv.org
Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence
1330 Fox Street, Suite 3
PO Box 40328
Denver, CO 80203
(303) 831-9632 Fax: (303) 832-7067
(888) 778-7091
Website: www.ccadv.org
Email: info@ccadv.org
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence
912 Silas Deane Highway, Lower Level
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(860) 282-7899 Fax: (860) 282-7892
(888) 774-2900 In State DV Hotline
Website: www.ctcadv.org
Email: contactus@ctcadv.org
Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence
100 West 10th Street, Suite 903
Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 658-2958 Fax: (302) 658-5049
(800) 701-0456 Statewide
Website: www.dcadv.org
Email: dcadvadmin@dcadv.org
DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence
5 Thomas Circle Northwest
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 299-1181 Fax: (202) 299-1193
Website: www.dccadv.org
Email: info@dccadv.org
Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence
425 Office Plaza Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 425-2749 Fax: (850) 425-3091
(850) 621-4202 TDD
(800) 500-1119 In State
Website: www.fcadv.org
Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence
114 New Street, Suite B
Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 209-0280 Fax: (404) 766-3800
(800) 334-2836 Crisis Line
Website: www.gcadv.org
Email: info@gcadv.org
Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
1164 Bishop Street, Suite 1609
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 832-9316 Fax: (808) 841-6028
Website: www.hscadv.org
Email: admin@hscadv.org
Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
Linen Building
1402 W. Grove Street
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 384-0419 Fax: (208) 331-0687
(888) 293-6118 Nationwide
Website: www.idvsa.org
Email: info@engagingvoices.org
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence
806 South College Street
Springfield, IL 62704
(217) 789-2830 Fax: (217) 789-1939
(217) 242-0376 TTY
Website: www.ilcadv.org
Email: ilcadv@ilcadv.org
Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
1915 West 18th Street, Suite B
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 917-3685 Fax: (317) 917-3695
(800) 332-7385 In State
Email: icadv@icadvinc.org
Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence
6200 Aurora Avenue, Suite 405E
Urbandale, IA 50322
(515) 244-8028 Fax: (515) 244-7417
(800) 942-0333 In State Hotline
Website: www.icadv.org
Email: icadv@icadv.org
Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
634 Southwest Harrison Street
Topeka, KS 66603
(785) 232-9784 Fax: (785) 266-1874
Website: www.kcsdv.org
Email: coalition@kcsdv.org
Kentucky Domestic Violence Association
111 Darby Shire Circle
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 209-5382 Phone Fax (502) 226-5382
Website: www.kdva.org
Email: info@kdva.org
Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
P.O. Box 77308
Baton Rouge, LA 70879
(225) 752-1296 Fax: (225) 751-8927
Website: www.lcadv.org
Email: info@lcadv.org
Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence
One Weston Court, Box #2
Augusta, ME 04330
(207) 430-8334 Fax: (207) 430-8348
Website: www.mcedv.org
Email: info@MCADV.org
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence
4601 Presidents Drive, Suite 370
Lanham, MD 20706
(301) 429-3601 Fax: (301) 809-0422
(800) 634-3577 Nationwide
Website: www.mnadv.org
Email: info@mnadv.org
Jane Doe, Inc./Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
14 Beacon Street, Suite 507
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 248-0922 Fax: (617) 248-0902
(617) 263-2200 TTY/TDD
Website: www.janedoe.org
Email: info@janedoe.org
Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
3893 Okemos Road, Suite B-2
Okemos, MI 48864
(517) 347-7000 Phone/TTY Fax: (517) 248-0902
Website: www.mcedsv.org
Email: general@mcedsv.org
Minnesota Coalition For Battered Women
60 E. Plato Blvd., Suite 130
St. Paul, MN 55107
(651) 646-6177 Fax: (651) 646-1527
(651) 646-0994 Crisis Line
(800) 289-6177 Nationwide
Website: www.mcbw.org
Email: mcbw@mcbw.org
Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence
P.O. Box 4703
Jackson, MS 39296
(601) 981-9196 Fax: (601) 981-2501
(800) 898-3234
Website: www.mcadv.org
Email: support@mcadv.org
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
217 Oscar Drive, Suite A
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 634-4161 Fax: (573) 636-3728
Website: www.mocadsv.org
Email: mocadsv@mocadsv.org
Montana Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
P.O. Box 818
Helena, MT 59624
(406) 443-7794 Fax: (406) 443-7818
(888) 404-7794 Nationwide
Website: www.mcadsv.com
Email: mtcoalition@mcadsv.com
Nebraska Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Coalition
245 S. 84th Street, Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68510
(402) 476-6256 Fax: (402) 476-6806
(800) 876-6238 In State Hotline
(877) 215-0167 Spanish Hotline
Website: www.ndvsac.org
Email: help@ndvsac.org
Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence
250 South Rock BLVD., Suite 116
Reno, NV 89502
(775) 828-1115 Fax: (775) 828-9911
Website: www.nnadv.org
Email: info@nnadv.org
New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
P.O. Box 353
Concord, NH 03302
(603) 224-8893 Fax: (603) 228-6096
(866) 644-3574 In State
Website: www.nhcadsv.org
Email: info@nhcadsv.org
New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women
1670 Whitehorse Hamilton Square Road
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 584-8107 Fax: (609) 584-9750
(800) 572-7233 In State
Website: www.njcbw.org
Email: info@njcbw.org
New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence
1210 Luisa Street, Suite 7
Mailing Address: 1000 Cordova Place, #52
Santa Fe, NM 87505
(505) 246-9240 Fax: (505) 246-9434
(800) 773-3645 In State
Website: www.nmcadv.org
Email: info@nmcadv.org
New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
119 Washington Avenue, Suite 12210
Albany, NY 12054
(518) 482-5464 Fax: (518) 482-3807
(800) 942-5465 English-In State
(800) 942-6908 Spanish-In State
Website: www.nyscadv.org
Email: nyscadv@nyscadv.org
North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence
3710 University Drive, Suite 140
Durham, NC 27707
(919) 956-9124 Fax: (919) 682-1449
(888) 997-9124
Website: www.nccadv.org
North Dakota Council on Abused Women’s Services
521 E. Main Avenue, Suite 250
Bismarck, ND 58501
(701) 255-6240 Fax: (701) 255-1904
(888) 255-6240 Nationwide
Website: www.ndcaws.org
Email: contact@cawsnorthdakota.org
Action Ohio Coalition For Battered Women
P.O. Box 423
Worthington, OH 43085
(614) 825-0551 Fax: (614) 825-0673
(888) 622-9315 In State
Website: www.actionohio.org
Email: actionohio@wowway.biz
Ohio Domestic Violence Network
1855 E. Dublin Granville Road
Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 781-9651 Fax: (614) 781-9652
(614) 781-9654 TTY
(800) 934-9840
Website: www.odvn.org
Email: info@odvn.org
Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
3815 North Santa Fe Avenue, Suite 124
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
(405) 524-0700 Fax: (405) 524-0711
Website: www.ocadvsa.org
Email: Prevention@ocadvsa.org
Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
9570 SW Barbur Boulevard, Suite 214
Portland, OR 97219
(503) 230-1951 Fax: (503) 230-1973
(877) 230-1951
Website: www.ocadsv.com
Email: adminasst@ocadsv.com
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
3605 Vartan Way, Suite 101
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 545-6400 Fax: (717) 545-9456
(800) 932-4632 Nationwide
Website: www.pcadv.org
The Office of Women Advocates
Box 11382
Fernandez Juancus Station
Santurce, PR 00910
(787) 721-7676 Fax: (787) 725-9248
Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence
422 Post Road, Suite 102
Warwick, RI 02888
(401) 467-9940 Fax: (401) 467-9943
(800) 494-8100 In State
Website: www.ricadv.org
Email: ricadv@ricadv.org
South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
P.O. Box 7776
Columbia, SC 29202
(803) 256-2900 Fax: (803) 256-1030
(800) 260-9293 Nationwide
Website: www.sccadvasa.org
South Dakota Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
P.O. Box 141
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 945-0869 Fax: (605) 945-0870
(800) 572-9196 Nationwide
Website: www.sdcedsv.org
Email: SKing@SDCEDSV.org
Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
2 International Plaza Drive, Suite 425
Nashville, TN 37217
(615) 386-9406 Fax: (615) 383-2967
(800) 289-9018 In State
Website: www.tncoalition.org
Email: tcadsv@tcadsv.org
Texas Council On Family Violence
P.O. Box 163865
Austin, TX 78716
(512) 794-1133 Fax: (512) 794-1199
Website: www.tcfv.org
Utah Domestic Violence Coalition
124 South 400 East, Suite 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(801) 521-5544 Fax: (801) 521-5548
Website: www.udvc.org
Women's Coalition of St. Croix
P.O. Box 222734
St. Croix, VI 00822
(340) 773-9272 Fax: (340) 773-9062
Website: www.wcstx.org
Email: info@wcstx.org
Vermont Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
P.O. Box 405
Montpelier, VT 05601
(802) 223-1302 Fax: (802) 223-6943
(802) 223-1115 TTY
Website: www.vtnetwork.org
Email: vtnetwork@vtnetwork.org
Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance
1118 West Main Street
Richmond, VA 23230
Office: 804.377.0335 Fax: 804.377.0339
Website: www.vsdvalliance.org
E-mail: info@vsdvalliance.org
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
711 Capitol Way, Suite 702
Olympia, WA 98501
(360) 586-1022 Fax: (360) 586-1024
(360) 586-1029 TTY
1511 Third Avenue, Suite 433
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 389-2515 Fax: (206) 389-2520
(800) 886-2880 In State
(206) 389-2900 TTY
Website: www.wscadv.org
Email: wscadv@wscadv.org
Washington State Native American Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault
P.O. Box 3937
Sequim, WA 98382
(360) 352-3120 Fax: (360) 357-3858
(888) 352-3120
Website: www.womenspirit.net
West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence
5004 Elk River Road South
Elkview, WV 25071
(304) 965-3552 Fax: (304) 965-3572
Website: www.wvcadv.org
Email: website@wvcadv.org
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence
1245 East Washington Avenue, Suite 150
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 255-0539 Fax: (608) 255-3560
Website: www.endabusewi.org
Email: wcadv@wcadv.org
Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
P.O. Box 236
710 Garfield Street, Suite 218
Laramie, WY 82073
(307) 755-5481 Fax: (307) 755-5482
(800) 990-3877 Nationwide
Website: www.wyomingdvsa.org
Email: info@wyomingdvsa.org


Against Domsetic Violence